This is the Knowles Insurance Agency, we have Medigap and Medicare and Health Insurance and Final expenses for Texas and other states. If you are Over 65 and looking for Part A, Part B, Part C or Part D Coverage, we have a plan to make a difference in your Dental eligible Drug and RX rates. If you are new to Insurance, or need help or assistance, Richard and Samantha Knowles can help. Your premiums and copays can be reduced and you out of pocket expenses guaranteed. Foot, vision, hearing can all be improved, by any provider or HMO, but these agents have a network that will help with you initial top plan. If you are moving coverage or your MAPD, choosing Medigap has never been easier or friendlier.
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Happily Serving Medicare Beneficiares

Saving you money for almost 20 years the Knowles Insurance Agency is here to help. With OVER 30 different Insurance companies we have done all the shopping for you. Reach out to us if you are NEW to Medicare and need assistance navigating your plan options OR give us a call for a ZERO cost policy review. Did you know that you can LOWER your Medigap premiums anytime during the year that you can “health qualify??” You do NOT have to wait until the end of the year’s AEP (Annual Ernollment Period) to LOWER your Medicare Supplement/Medigap RATE. Our services are always FREE of charge. We look forward to Serving you!!
QUICK REMINDERS: Signing up for Medicare When T65:
If you are collecting social security when you turn 65 - the Government will AUTO-ENROLL you into Medicare. You should receive your Welcome Kit & ID cards approximately 90-days prior to your 65th birthday. Your Medicare eligible date will always be the 1st of the month that you turn 65 or 1st of previous month if you birthday is on the 1st .
If you are NOT collecting social security –you will need to manually enroll ONLINE ( or go in-person. Find a location near you: If you are NOT COLLECTING SS you will NOT be auto-enrolled.
If you are working w/Employer Coverage when you become Medicare-eligible - you may choose to NOT ENROLL into Part B - since the coverages are similar. However, it is favorable to enroll into the $0 Premium Part A (Hospitalization) - as it offers additional coverage with OUT additional cost.

3509 Barberry Rd.
Grapevine, Tx 76051
Tel: (817) 756-2144
Fax: (817) 251-1609
Monday - Friday
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
9:00 am to 12:00 pm